The Cobra Bass Club and the Jessieville Bass Fishing Club fished their very first high school tournament on Lake Balboa in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas July 7, 2012. We had a break in the weather with cloud cover holding temperatures below 90 degrees instead of the 100+ we had experienced for the past two weeks. Continue reading
Cobra Bass Club and Jessieville Bass Fishing Club fish their first high school tournament
BRB Roofing Donates Booth to Support Oklahoma High School Fishing
Ponca City, Okla. – August 6, 2012; The Bass Federation (TBF), announced BRB Roofing from Muskogee, Okla., has donated booth space to further their support of TBF’s Student Angler Federation Oklahoma High School Fishing Program at the 2012 OSSBA/CCOSA Conference and Exposition. The Oklahoma State School Boards Association (OSSBA) and the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration (CCOSA) Conference and Exposition is scheduled for August 24-25 at the Cox Business Services Convention Center in Oklahoma City, Okla. Exhibitors from across the state of Oklahoma will gather for this two day event to showcase their organizations. Continue reading
Blair pair outcatch competition for state crown
Photos and Story By David Hendee
TEKAMAH, Neb. — The ingredients were all there.
Summit Lake, one of the best bass fishing sites in the region.
Sixteen motivated, two-person teams from across the state competing in the second Nebraska High School Fishing Championship.
A break in the summer’s siege of 100-degree temperatures.
The result: A tough day on the water for just about everyone — except Zach Madsen and Matt Neiburg of Blair. Continue reading