11th Annual High School Fishing World Finals & National Championship La Crosse, WI JUNE 23-27!

Registration is Open!

This year another record!
Nearly 3 MILLION Dollars in Scholarship Offers & Prizes, already committed from MULTIPLE colleges and universities across the nation! Sign up to fish for YOUR share at HighSchoolFishing.Org

COVID-19 UPDATE – We have social distancing built into the event procedures if needed by then. We are in regular contact with local officials, the outdoor event is a GO and CAN be done safely!
La Crosse county and Wisconsin is safe as well. Wisconsin has the lowest per capita covid rate in the Midwest and La Crosse country has had only 32 TOTAL  confirmed cases of covid to date in the entire county and ZERO deaths.

June 23-27 – LaCrosse, WI.
11th Annual HS Fishing World Finals& National Championship Dual Event

Build it and They Will Come
SAF High School Anglers to compete for nearly 3 Million dollars in scholarships and prizes at La Crosse on the Mississippi River.
The Student Angler Federation’s 11th Annual High School Fishing World Finals & National Championship dual event with a prize pool approaching 3 MILLION dollars.  Let that soak in.

3 MILLION at a high school event!

The Student Angler Federation (SAF), under The Bass Federation (TBF) umbrella held the first High School Fishing World Finals in 2010 after years of building infrastructure to support an event unlike the industry had ever seen.


The event that started the national high school fishing movement will expect anglers hundreds of anglers from all walks of life.


“Most of the fishing world gave little notice when we founded SAF and the national high school program in 2007,” Cartlidge said. “Company after company responded with little or no interest. However, it was such a passion for the federation so we took on a “Build it and They Will Come” mantra. In 2010, TBF launched the first High School Fishing World Finals event and the rest they say is history.”


TBF’s partner in fishing at FLW, Ranger Boats and Pure Fishing and were the first companies to see the vision and partner in SAF’s efforts. Soon after the 2010 inaugural World Finals event Evinrude, Lowrance, Cabela’s and many more integral sponsors followed to help propel high school fishing.

In 2011, TBF/SAF and FLW rolled out state championships in dozens of states and by 2012, there was a SAF State Championship or an FLW open offered in every continental US state and one in Canada.

Bethel University offered scholarships to World Finals anglers from the very start, they too shared our vision.  In the last 10 years, Bethel University has invested millions in total scholarship offers to SAF anglers. Bethel University has recruited some of the top young anglers in the nation to help build the leading National Champion Collegiate Program in the US to date. Deeper than that, young people are getting top-notch educations.


In 2019, the largest leap forward anyone could imagine will happened at the 10th annual event as Kentucky Christian University (KCU) came on board  with a cool million in scholarship offers.

Then, Simpson University stepped up with their partnership in a BIG way and 1.5 Million in scholarship offers.

TBF and FLW will continued to offer their five figure CASH Scholarships and will do so again this year.

AND there is MORE coming! NEW colleges, offers, scholarships for 2020 to be announced soon!

“THAT is what this program is all about, Education Through Fishing.  Cartlidge continued. We as an industry cannot thank these educational institutions for their support of our young anglers.  Not just for the scholarships but also providing incredible educations in wholesome atmospheres and understanding the importance of the future of our sport and our young people as a whole, like so many of our partners do.”


You can follow the daily action including Facebook live morning takeoffs and live streaming weigh ins during the 2020 High School Fishing World Finals and National Championship, June 23-27, on www.HighSchoolFishing.org as well as daily stories & pictures on Facebook and on www.flwfishing.com

The High School Fishing World Finals is OPEN to all SAF members anywhere so that ALL high school anglers that want to come and have a chance at a scholarship if they do well can do so and earn an education on their own merit.  The National championship prize pool is for those anglers who qualified through any SAF sanctioned event across the country. The dual event allows anglers to fish two top level premier events with only one week of vacation.

Sign up today at www.highschoolfishing.org, as always there is NO tournament entry fee.

Event Fact Sheet
More than 40 scholarships up for grabs some up to $100,000.00 per team!

  • From MULTIPLE colleges across the nation.
  • Prizes galore each day from our sponsors
  • NO Entry Fee
  • Friday Night Senior Night and Pizza Party, ALL 2020 graduating senior receive a graduation gift. Food fun and games for all.
  • Week long family vacation event


DO NOT MISS OUT sign up today!

Team Bullinger Takes North Dakota High School Title at Nelson Lake

Team Bullinger Takes North Dakota High School Title at Nelson Lake

North Dakota started out with a very cold tournament on Mother’s Day. The temps were in the mid 20’s at launch, only warming into the low 40’s with a slight fog delay creating a slow start.

The weather had little effect on the anglers with Team Bullinger having a very successful day on the water. Brandon and Logan weighed in with an impressive Berkley 5 Alive catch of 20 pounds and 3 ounces. This Booyah Big Bag of the day has secured them a national qualifying spot to the High School Fishing World Finals & National Championship to be held in La Crosse, WI, June 23-27.

2nd place was Wyatt Bradley and Zayne Brunette they also had a Berkley 5 Alive limit weighing in with 14 pounds and 9 ounces.

And 3rd place went to Hunter Acker and Carsyn Sebastain with 13 pounds and 15 ounces.

Congratulations to all the teams and a Happy Mother’s day to all you Moms.