Wayne County School Bass Bandits 2nd Annual Open High School Bass Tournament

Date; Oct. 26-2013

Tournament Location: Conley Bottom Marina & Resort on Lake Cumberland.

Monticello Ky 42633  606-348-6351


Registration starts at 5:00 a.m. (EST) Pre-Tournament meeting at 7:00 a.m. (EST)

in front of the dock at Conley Bottom Marina.


Tournament Hours; 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (EST)

There will be trophies for 1st , 2nd , 3rd , and Big Fish.

Entry fee; $10.00 per boat.  Entry fee will be a fundraiser for the

Wayne County Bass Bandits.


Sponsored by: Wayne County School Bass Bandits

Further Information Call Team Coaches;

Ricky Kempton  606-307-7401

Dewayne Hardwick  606-307-0675

Johnny Cooper  606-307-7993

FAN Hosts “Last Cast of Summer” Open on Lake LBJ

20130824_6698It was the last weekend before the start of a new school year for most of Central Texas, and there’s no better way to spend the final Saturday before school than fishing in a tournament.  The Faith Angler Network (FAN) has hosted a very respected adult tournament series for over 10 years and has now taken an interest in high school fishing.  Just recently they sponsored and helped create the FAN High School Bass Team for all students who do not yet have a fishing team developed in their high schools.  To introduce the new team and FAN to the Texas high school fishing scene, they presented the “Last Cast of Summer” open tournament out of Granite Shoals, TX on beautiful Lake LBJ. Continue reading

FWC Recognizes Young Freshwater Fishing Stars

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) honored three young freshwater anglers, a team of two and an individual, with plaques for special accomplishments at the FWC’s public meeting in Lakeland Thursday.

“Enthusiastic young anglers like these are representative of the Next Generation that Cares – those who will help promote active outdoor lifestyles that connect them with nature and encourage conservation stewardship,” Tom Champeau, director of the FWC’s Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management said. “Because they are role models to other kids, of all ages, the FWC is proud to highlight their accomplishments.” Continue reading