Author's posts
Wall and Williams-Wright Crowned 2013 Oregon State Champs
The TBF Oregon held the High School championships out of Willamette Park on the Willamette River in Portland Oregon. The winners of the event were Jacob Wall and Cecil Williams-Wright with a 5 fish limit weighing 13.83# Second place was the team of Nick Chin and Daniel Kalmikov with a 5 fish limit of 12.31 …
LAMPE AND GOETZ capture the SAF Missouri State High School Championship
Chris Lampe and Daniel Goetz representing Hillsboro R-3 High School captured the 3rd annual Student Angler Federation (SAF) Missouri State High School Championship on May 5, 2013 on Truman Lake in west central Missouri. This was done with weighing in 2 fish for a total weight of 7.04 pounds. As Chris and Dan both stated …
2013 High School World Finals Registration is Open!
HIGH SCHOOL FISHING WORLD FINALS – July 14-20, 2013 2013 High School Fishing World Finals Registration is open and under way! Be sure to get your team signed up ASAP! REGISTER ONLINE HERE TAKE HSFWF ONLINE QUIZ HERE The Bass Federation (TBF) and the City of Russellville, Ark., are pleased to announce the High School …