East Gaston Bass Warriors (NC) Hosting High School Open Fishing Tournament

When:               Saturday, November 23, 2013

Where:            Lake Norman Beatties Ford Access

Time:                  7:00 AM until 3:00 PM

                           Check in starts at 6:00 AM

Rules:             All SAF/TBF rules apply at all times

Absolutely: NO TOBACCO PRODUCTS,                          NO PROFANITY

Entry Fee:         $20.00/ boat

Awards:   1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Trophies plus Big fish trophy

Purpose is to raise money to fund the NC State fishing tournament.

There will be a hotdog sale during and after the tournament.

Tournament is open to High School SAF members only.

Please preregister by emailing:  lshawkins@gaston.k12.nc.us

Any Questions call Shane Hawkins: 704-747-0005 or

Jason Jones: 704-674-0909

2013 FALL OPEN – Marble Falls HS Fishing Team (TX)

SAF_1c copySat. – November 9th, 2013

Lake LBJ – Bluebriar Boat Launch – right turn off Phillips Ranch Road @ FM 1431

Safe light- Weigh in @ 2:00pm w/lunch provided

Team Format

5 fish per boat

$30 per team entry fee

Checks payable to MFHS Fishing Club

Contact:  Lorna Ellis

(910) 309-4445   ellisbl@aol.com

Open to all 8-12th graders who are active members of the SAF. Student Boat Captains are welcome.


Smyrna High School Bassin Bulldogs (TN) Hosting Tourney Nov. 16

When: 11/16/13

where: J. Percy Priest Lake, Fate Sanders Marina Ramp

3157 Weakly Lane, Smyrna, Tn. 37167


Time: safe light till 2:00pm

Location: Fate Sanders Marina Ramp

This will be a fundraiser for a new team so entry fee is $20.00 per boat.

High School anglers only and must be an SAF member.

Limit 5 fish, Large mouth 15 inches, Smallmouth 18 inches and no length limits on spots.

Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd places and big fish!

Host club: Smyrna High School ( Bassin Bulldogs)

Contact: Don Mahaney

cell 615-519-2337

email: mahaneyd@rcschools.net

Please email all entries NLT 11/13/13