Club name: Cavalier Anglers

2009-2010 Club Officers (L-R): Morgan Melton, Secretary; Kody Mason, Treasurer; Blaine Markham, President; Josh Mullins, VP
School Name & Mascot: Jefferson Forest High School
City/State: Forest, VA
Club Email Address:
Club Advisor: Jason Clark
Club President: Blaine Markham
Number of members: 25
How often does your club meet? Once a month
How did your club get started? Advisor
Club’s favorite lake and why? Smith Mountain Lake, Striper!
Describe TBF tournaments, community service and/or conservation projects your club has or plans to have? Plan to volunteer at the major fishing tournament in any capacity needed.
Has your club done any fundraising? Not yet!
Where do you get your volunteer boaters from? (parents, local bass club, etc.) As of now, we are looking for people, but feel parents and local bass clubs may help.
Tell us something unique about your club! Just starting out. Still finding our way to uniqueness!