Author's posts
Team Avalos wins Nevada State Championship on Lake Mohave
The 2023 TBF Nevada State Championship tournament was held April 8th at Lake Mohave. The morning started off with everyone and their gear loaded up on the boats and listening to the National Anthem as the sun was coming up. At safelight the teams and their captains headed out of the marina both to the …
Team Hutchinson wins Kansas State Championship on Melvern Lake
The Kansas TBF Junior & High School state qualifier tournaments were held on Saturday, April 22nd at Melvern Lake. After keeping an eye on the weather all week, the decision was made to launch as scheduled. It was a chilly 34 degrees with light winds at takeoff but warmed (?) up to almost 54. Winds …
Vincent and Peacock Win Indiana High School Fishing State Championship at Patoka
We were finally able to get a weekend that had some pretty nice weather. Anglers came from all over the state of Indiana to compete in the Student Angler Federation High School State Championship at Lake Patoka, out of Hoosier Hills Marina. Sixty teams competed to try and qualify for the six spots ion the …