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Wayne County School Bass Bandits 2nd Annual Open High School Bass Tournament
Date; Oct. 26-2013 Tournament Location: Conley Bottom Marina & Resort on Lake Cumberland. Monticello Ky 42633 606-348-6351 Registration starts at 5:00 a.m. (EST) Pre-Tournament meeting at 7:00 a.m. (EST) in front of the dock at Conley Bottom Marina. Tournament Hours; 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (EST) There will be trophies for 1st , …
FAN Hosts “Last Cast of Summer” Open on Lake LBJ
It was the last weekend before the start of a new school year for most of Central Texas, and there’s no better way to spend the final Saturday before school than fishing in a tournament. The Faith Angler Network (FAN) has hosted a very respected adult tournament series for over 10 years and has now …
FWC Recognizes Young Freshwater Fishing Stars
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) honored three young freshwater anglers, a team of two and an individual, with plaques for special accomplishments at the FWC’s public meeting in Lakeland Thursday. “Enthusiastic young anglers like these are representative of the Next Generation that Cares – those who will help promote active outdoor lifestyles …