We launched 6 boats and 12 student anglers from the MFHS Fishing team before dawn on Inks Lake this morning. It was a gorgeous sunrise and we enjoyed a terrific day on the lake. The following members weighed in:
Austin Ellis 10 lbs 4.1 oz 1st Place and BIG BASS @ 3 lbs 7.8 oz
Hunter McNeese 4 lbs 3.2 oz 2nd Place
Jordan Childress 3 lbs 10 oz 3rd Place
Shilo Nelson 3 lbs 1 oz
Chris Hooten 1 lb 5.9 oz
Jake Meadows 1 lb 5.3 oz
HUGE Thanks to the following Boat Captains: Bill Flanary, Billy Clakley, Gary Simmank, Dale Schmidt, Nathan Dicken, and Bryan Ellis.
Billy Clakley brought his son, Colton, a 6th grader at MFMS and he is already working on his fishing skills so that he is ready when he joins the club in 8th grade. Welcome to Billy and Colton!
We all enjoyed a Brisket sandwich lunch while we listened to Carol Navaro Adams from the Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) share with us some opportunities for our Club to volunteer in support of their Youth Angler Education and Learn to Fish events on Inks Lake. We will discuss at our next club meeting and decide when we want to participate.
We also met Glen Willis and his grandson, Cody Box, a 10th grader at Burnet HS. They will be joining our club and come to our December 12th meeting and we hope they bring more students from Burnet.
We continue to grow in members and in sponsors so it is a very exciting time for our club. The goal is to finalize all sponsors so that we are able to capture all logos and members for the new Fishing jerseys, t-shirts and Hoodies. I do need all the student angler and boat captain sizes if you were not at the meeting this past week (free to this group) and also all other family members who are interested in purchasing a custom fishing jersey for $60 or Hoodie for $20. We will order extra t-shirts and have available for sale.
Please join us for our last club meeting of 2011 on Monday, Dec 12th. We will present awards from the Inks Lake tourney and hear more opportunities for conservation projects for the Spring.
- Jordan Childress – 3rd Place
- Austin Ellis – 1st Place & Big Bass
- Hunter McNeese – 2nd Place