Jones and Curry win Montana State Championship

The Montana State Championship of the TBF – Student Angler Federation was a great event! The weather was warm and sunny. The fishing was great and every team weighed in a limit!  The morning started off with coffee and doughnuts, followed by a rules and safety briefing, the National Anthem and a prayer.

The fish were biting great first thing in the morning allowing anglers to quickly get a limit. The fish were running small, but with five in the livewell quickly, they had all day to find those crucial upgrades!

The winning team of Silas Jones and Aiden Curry, coach Randy Siemens, weighed in a limit of 11.30 pounds, followed by the second place team of Austin Hoff and Ben Kiesselbach, coach Dylon Hoff, with 10.82 pounds. Third place was Ethan Galassi and Cody McKinnon, coach Austin Johnson, with 10.48 pounds and rounding out the top four was Westin Wagoner and Kort Craft, coach Brady Ovitt, with 9.73 pounds. The big fish of the event goes to the team of Trent Tennison and Wyatt Daken, coach Jason Crone, with a big Smallmouth weighing in at 4.19 pounds!


Thank you everyone for your tremendous support, and thank you TBF for this amazing opportunity for everyone!