Category: News

Conference Championship Hotel Information

We have added Hotel listings for some of our Conference Championships and are still working on others. Hotel information has been added for the Southeastern, Western, and Southern.  View Page We will be adding information for Northern and Central Conference Championships soon.

Ontario High School Championship

Cole Vardy and Cooper Gallant from Nantyr Shores Secondary School won the championship with a total weight of 14.82 lbs.  Second place went to Jordan Santos and Emily Mount 11.96 lbs.  The third place team was Greg Attard and Danny McGarry 11.86 lbs.  View Results

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2014 High School Fishing World Finals Florida Eagle High School WINS!

Dan McNaulty, remember that name…. because he was one of several driving forces behind the winners of the 2014 High School Fishing World Finals. Two more names you will want to remember for years to come, Brandon Branch and Hunter McPherson. You will hear these names in the fishing world again, bank on it. The …

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