Author's posts
2017 South Carolina State Championship April 29; Registration Closes Next Week!
South Carolina High School Fishing State Championship Lake Murray, Prosperity, SC, April 29 Registration: Dreher Island State Park, April 28, 5:30-7pm Launch/Weigh-in: Dreher Island State Park, 7am-3pm REGISTER NOW! FACT SHEET! FULL LIST OF EVENTS/RULES Make plans now to get registered and come see what all the hype is about with high school fishing and …
2017 New Hampshire State Championship April 29; Registration Closes Next Week!
New Hampshire High School Fishing State Championship Lake Winnipesaukee, Moultonborough, NH, April 29 Registration: Lee’s Mills Ramp, April 29, 6am Launch/Weigh-in: Lee’s Mills Ramp, 7am-2pm REGISTER NOW! FACT SHEET! FULL LIST OF EVENTS/RULES Make plans now to get registered and come see what all the hype is about with high school fishing and TBF/FLW’s renewed …
Ware and Collins Win Missouri State Championship on Table Rock Lake
The Willard High School Tigers team of Austin Ware and Jacob Collins won the Missouri High School Fishing State Championship event on Table Rock Lake at Kimberling City this past weekend. Their 12.9 pound limit was anchored by the Lew’s Big Bass of the day, a nice 3.8 lunker. The pair each received a Lew’s …