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Oregon High School Fishing State Championship Set For April 13
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PONCA CITY, Okla. (February 20, 2013) – The Bass Federation (TBF), in partnership with FLW announced today it will host the 2013 Student Angler Federation (SAF) Oregon High School Fishing State Championship on Saturday, April 13. The event will be held in Multnomah County on Willamette River in Portland, Ore., launching out …
Vote Today for Your Favorite Boating Safety or Clean Water Grant Project
“The Stakes are Higher” BoatUS Foundation Grants Now $10,000 Each ANNAPOLIS, Md., February 20, 2013 – The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is looking to the public to help it select the winning projects in the competitive 2013 Grassroots Grants Program, which provides local non-profit groups up to $10,000 to help educate …
Help TBF/SAF Win Grassroots Grant Funding by Voting Online for our Project!
Calling all Federation Members nationwide! WE NEED YOUR VOTE The Boat US Foundation has a Grassroots Grant program underway that will award funding for specific projects across the United States. We have submitted a grant under this program to assist us with the continued education of our anglers through an Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness and …