Author's posts
Future Fisherman Foundation launches fishing program for junior high school PE classes
PONCA CITY, Okla. (Dec. 15, 2014) – The Future Fisherman Foundation (F3) announces a new program called SUPERFISH that is designed to bring a four-week fishing curriculum into junior high schools and their physical education classes. SUPERFISH will get its start as a 10-school pilot project, thanks to the BoatU.S. Foundation who is providing initial …
Hunter Gadd and Jackson Williams win Bartow High School’s Bobby Lane Cup!
Winning an event like the Bobby Lane Cup once is hard enough but to repeat the feat in back to back years is even tougher! But that is exactly what Hunter Gadd and his partner Jackson Williams did as they brought a 6 fish limit of 19lbs 1oz to the Camp Mack scales to win …
Houston Area High School Fishing Conference (HHFC)
November 15, 2014 Twelve schools fished in the second tournament in a series for the inaugural year of the conference. Forty-two boat teams battled through windy forty degree temperatures to claim be number one. Fighting through a dramatic change of weather twenty teams weighed in fish. Despite boat problems which limited their time to fish, …