Author's posts
Tournament Announcement Form Now Available
In an attempt to help all of our member schools with the ability to post your tournaments online on our website we have developed a standard form that will allow you to give us the important details of your events. You will be able to download this form from our website under the “Tournaments” …
Folsom Lake California Tournament
March 08, 2015 Vista del Lago High School Fishing Club Open Student Angler Federation Tournament Folsom Lake California Blast off-first light after National Anthem Weigh-in-3:00 pm, Hobie Cove parking lot Awards-following weigh-in BBQ-following awards $25 per angler Launch at Brown’s Ravine, Hobie Cove. Access to Brown’s Ravine is off Green valley Road between Folsom and …
Pulaski/Southwestern Winter Tournament Canceled
The Pulaski/Southwestern Winter Tournament Scheduled for January 10th will be cancelled due to the projected cold temps of 10 degrees or less on Saturday morning. This call was made for the safety of the kids. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.