
Author's posts

Riceville Wildcats Win the Iowa State Championship

It may not have been the largest field in the 2015 TBF/FLW High School State Championship Series but there was absolutely no lack of effort on the part of Kaleb Tweite and Kyler Bauer as they tamed the Mighty Mississippi river for a sack of bass that weighed in at 8lb 6oz to win the …

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Lindbergh High School Wins Missouri SAF State Championship

The all-freshman team of Trey Schroeder and Grant Nisbet but together a five fish limit that weighed 14lbs. 12oz to win the 2015 Missouri SAF State Championship on Lake of the Ozarks. The big bag was anchored by a 5lb 7oz toad that also helped the pair claim the Lew’s Big Bass award for the …

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Nickolas Davenport and Hunter Baird Win Kansas State Championship Titles

Salina Kansas High School anglers Nickolas Davenport and Hunter Baird of the Salina Stix Fishing Team conquered blue bird skys a tough bite and 14 other teams to win the 2015 Kansas High School fishing State Championship Sunday on Milford Lake at Junction City, Kansas. While some of the team caught a fish or to …

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