A record field of 332 North American teams from 33 states and Canada participated in the 2017 High School Fishing World Finals in Florence Alabama’s Pickwick Lake. After four grueling days of competition and cuts befitting a world championship event, Jon David Bedford and Walker Brown from Lawrence County High School in Tennessee won the event and their choice of scholarships prizes. In total multiple teams from this event are offered scholarships in total during the week more than 170,000 in scholarships and prizes were awarded in this no entry fee event.
Two $24,000 scholarships were awarded by Bethel University, 2- $20,000 scholarship were awarded by Bacone College, 2- additional $20,000 scholarships are offered by Bacone to the top 2 female anglers in the group, FLW awarded $10,000 scholarships and TBF awarded 18,000 in scholarships. In addition every day of the four day event at least five thousands dollars of prizes were awarded and every senior (more than 130) was given a graduation gift of a free rod from Favorite Fishing.
All 31 of the final teams were able to pick prizes including; Gift cards from Cabelas, Saint Croix Rods, Big Screen TVs’, Laptop computers, Go Pros, kayak’s, and other items. Top Boat Captains were also rewarded with Lowrance HDS 7 unit, Motorguide trolling motors, Evinrude props Cablea’s gifts cards and more. Everyone of the 664 anglers in attendance was given something during the week by the event sponsors
For a detailed report on how the winners caught their fish and more check out our partners website at flwfishing.com CLICK HERE
For full results check out the HSFWF home page HERE
For daily pictures check out our facebook page albums