When: 11/16/13
where: J. Percy Priest Lake, Fate Sanders Marina Ramp
3157 Weakly Lane, Smyrna, Tn. 37167
Time: safe light till 2:00pm
Location: Fate Sanders Marina Ramp
This will be a fundraiser for a new team so entry fee is $20.00 per boat.
High School anglers only and must be an SAF member.
Limit 5 fish, Large mouth 15 inches, Smallmouth 18 inches and no length limits on spots.
Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd places and big fish!
Host club: Smyrna High School ( Bassin Bulldogs)
Contact: Don Mahaney
cell 615-519-2337
email: mahaneyd@rcschools.net
Please email all entries NLT 11/13/13